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"Hey, I just wanted you to know that you have an important and valuable role. You have been blessed and gifted to be someone’s wife and that carries so much meaning; more than you possibly think. You are in a position where you can help someone closest to you, your husband, and be good at it. God allowed you in this position because you have much influence and impact as a helpmate, and I want you to receive and accept that!  You are not going to do everything well or have the right response and attitude in every situation so, don't condemn yourself because God doesn't. He knows your strengths and weaknesses as a wife and He is willing to help you through any of your challenges along with connect you with other wives striving to grow as a wife. With that, make sure you connect with other wives to receive ongoing support to embrace your title, your responsibilities and with joy, maintain a positive outlook seeing yourself worthy and gifted in the role! 

Message To The Wife:

Wives Accepting, Applying & Achieving God's Expectations (WAAAGE)

1 Peter 3:1-2: Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. (NIV)

Proverbs 31:11: Her husband trusts her completely. With her, he has everything he needs (NCV)


This is a 3 step process towards a victorious posture for Wives because, in case you didn't know, BEING A GODLY WIFE IS NOT EASY! First, you have to accept what God says about you as a wife, your husband and the unity design of your marriage. You then have to start applying the expectations God has of you with the confidence and hope that you will achieve the goal, because of your obedience. This group is where wives receive support in carrying out the plan God has for their marriage. Some of the Transformation Conversations, exercises and tools include: being and staying positive, influencing the atmosphere at home, staying committed, heart conditions, the power of prayer, loving and respecting, physical attractiveness, God's presence, listening, communication, adapting, intimacy, submission, healthy/unhealthy marriage examples, companionship and so much more! The Transformation Conversations (TC), exercises and tools are designed to evangelize, equip, encourage and empower wives to experience marriage the way God intended!

Here is the zoom link:

Text (302) 492-6537 your name, contact number and email to get the zoom passcode

If you have any questions regarding this group, let us know. 

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