Meet The Leader:
“A focused woman of God, wife, mother, social worker, certified life and spiritual coach, mentor, CEO and a natural leader."
-Juanita Tennant
My Story
“Hello everyone! My name is Juanita Tennant and I am the leader of Focused On Kingdom Purpose Ministries. I want to share a little bit about myself to help you understand how I got to this point of purpose and focus in my life. Growing up without my biological parents, felt like I didn't have an identity. I didn't know who I was or what I offered to society and was emotionally unstable in many ways. I remember a frequent pain in my chest of my heart hurting at times, and not knowing why. I had spurts of tears many nights; feeling alone, abandoned, unwanted, unfulfilled and misunderstood. I engaged with many different people and environments and can remember struggling to connect and embrace the love that was being given. Although I was raised by my grandmother and three amazing aunts, I never felt like I "fit in” because, they were not my biological parents. I was unsure of my worth, value and sense of belonging with family. I lacked self-confidence and wasn’t able to see what others saw so, when others would complement or point out my strengths, I would inwardly and outwardly reject it. My self-view was that I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough or skilled enough. I knew what God said from what others told me and what I read about Him, but I wasn’t seeing it in my reality. I never felt like my emotional needs were being met and although I learned where to go to get them met, I didn't know how to let God do it. I felt like because I was left without biological parents, I wasn't able to nurture others, be a mother to my children or have the potential to impact lives. I found myself becoming tired of the emotional cyles and grew vulnerable before God. I expressed my broken heart to God, and that allowed me to open myself up for His healing and deliverance. It was then that I was able to see my true value, worth and identity in Him. God showed me that my biological parents did the part within their capacity and got me here and, as my Heavenly Father, He was going to take me where I was created to be and teach me to do what I was created to do; I wasn't void of anything with Him. God told me I had purpose and gifts that He created me with and wanted to use in and through me. He reassured me that my childhood experiences and challenges growing up were not going to get in the way of His plan for my life. My view of myself and the ability to love myself needed healing and resetting and I finally got it! God understood me, knew what I needed and did the transformation in His perfect timing. I didn't start making progress and growing until I refused to be distracted by the enemy’s lies and influences and focus on what God said about me; that I am loved, beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14) and full of Purpose. God told me, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future" (Jer. 29:11), and I finally believed and received that."
"Overall, I had to experience many hardships, emotions and obstacles to come to realize, God had a plan for me. He also currently has Kingdom work for me to do so I told myself I better get busy and stop submitting to man’s plans and opinions. In learning who I was in Christ and what Christ wanted to do through me, despite many distractions, I regained focus and discovered that, just like my journey, I had a strong passion to help others see who they were created to be and do what they were created to do, undistracted, on their journey. My goal through FOKP Ministries is to teach and model a focused life for Christ and remind everyone of the same words God spoke to me, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future (Jer. 29:11).”
"With that said, I am present, not perfect and I plan to keep showing up. I have operated in various aspects of ministry for over 20 years and have come to embrace the maturing and developing that transpired from each season. When I started the ministry of Focused On Purpose with women back in 2012 and later developed the ministry for men, resulting in FOKP Ministries, I was not fully confident since I did not see myself as capable to do leadership work for Christ. Because my educational background and life experiences did not include formal seminary or theological education, I felt I was not qualified to do what God was calling me to do through FOKP. God reminded and assured me that He does not call the qualified, He qualifies those He calls; it's His anointing so, through my surrendered life and obedience, I can lead. I have been blessed to come alongside many people, instilling hope and tenacity, with God's instruction and leading. As a woman of God, wife, and mother for over a decade, I have experienced many challenges and many breakthroughs. I am who I am today because of my story, and I thank God for the things He has done in my life and the positive, empowering people He has placed in my path. While my story is still being written, God has gifted me to empower and encourage others to not get stuck in their story but, fall in love with their story seeing purpose and maintain focus and hope for the plan that God has for their journey. Like me, you may have asked yourself or still asking yourself questions like, Who am I? Why do I exist? What is my purpose? What am I supposed to be doing? Am I capable of doing something? Can I offer society anything with my story and experiences? Can God use someone like me? With those questions, FOKP Ministries desires to help you discover your answers and be empowered during the process. I want people to remember that despite their story, experiences, traumas or daily decisions, God can still use them through the gifts He placed inside of them to fulfill their Purpose. In knowing I will not always be here and will have to give an account of what I've done for God's Kingdom, I will continue to say "Yes," and strive to lead by example, making the largest impact I can to reach the world for Christ." I will continue to do undistracted, intentional Kingdom Work. As Nehemiah said, "I am doing a great work, and I can’t come down (Neh 6:3)."
Frequently Asked Questions
"How can FOKP Ministries help me?"
"FOKP Ministries will help you learn how to love yourself, accept love from others and be patient during the process. You will build your self-awareness and self-confidence to keep showing up. You will develop a greater knowledge of God and the things He does in your life every day. You will embrace connections with others and grow in your purpose, never isolating yourself again because, you have people that you know care about you."
"What will I learn or do after connecting with FOKP Ministries?"
"After connecting with FOKP Ministries, you realize that you have worth and value and gifts to use everywhere. You may have gifts you were already using, for a while, and never knew it because, you didn't understand the God who gave them to you, but you do now! You now realize how important you are as a wife, husband, single man, single woman, young man, young woman, father, mother and how God can use you. In your daily living, you see how God can use you on your job, whether you like it and are satisfied or not. You see now how God can use you in the line at the grocery store, on the bus stop or the drive-thru of a fast-food restaurant. You see your gifts operating in your church, at a fun event or in your home with family members. You’re thriving on purpose with your friends, in relationships and with your children. Your confidence and self-awareness is shown through your social media posts, YouTube channel, podcast, videos and pictures! You now love life and seek to live out your fullest potential in who you were created to be and what you were created to do. FOKP Ministries has helped you fulfill your Kingdom Assignment and Focus On Kingdom Purpose!"
"Can I continue to attend my church and therapy and any other affiliations I have?"
"Yes, absolutely. We encourage you to continue with your religious affiliations, memberships, therapeutic supports and any other things you are connected to. FOKP Ministries is intended to be an additional support to you, not a replacement."
"Is it mandatory that I connect with a monthly group to receive support in a particular area of my life?"
"No, FOKP support and knowledge groups are not mandatory to receive support in a unique individual area of your life. We encourage group connections and participation because the group atmosphere can provide you with more support, encouragement, and wisdom than individual support. You can hear someone’s testimony that experienced what you’ve experienced or are currently experiencing and gain insight and strength from that person. There are so many benefits and supports from the groups that we encourage everyone to experience."
"Are FOKP Leaders licensed counselors?"
"FOKP Leaders provide wise counsel and advice but are not licensed counselors. We can, however, provide referral suggestions for therapists/counselors, when necessary."
"There are many benefits to getting and staying connected. We have seen people healed, delivered, and held accountable in a healthy way to make breakthroughs in their marriages, families, and relationships. We have seen people identify unhealthy behavior patterns and get supported to start new ones. We have seen people let go of the things they’ve held onto from the past to embrace what God wanted to do for their present and future. We have seen people change their perspectives and look with a positive lens and begin helping others to do the same. The transformation that happens from the consistent connections to FOKP Ministries have changed many lives for the better and there are phenomenal men and women, within FOKP Ministries, waiting to support you on your journey!"
Let the Undistracted, Intentional Kingdom Work of FOKP Ministries Continue Through The Many Supports Here!