Message To The Father:
"Hey, you are doing a great job as a father or father figure. Don't ever think for a second that your child/ren can go a day without seeing, hearing or learning from you. You are important and hold much weight to the family dynamic. You come with a powerful influential presence that's different from a nurturer. You are a leader in the home and out of the home; you are a trainer to your child/ren whenever they are with you; you give guidance and direction, and you look ahead to see what's coming so you can prepare them. Even if you have never had a father or father-figure as an example, you are still capable of being an awesome father. Therefore, reject the lies that says, you can't be what you didn't have. Accept the truth in that you had and still have a Heavenly Father walking with you every day of your life providing the tools and support you need to be great. Make sure you establish and maintain healthy connections with other fathers and strengthen and support each other!"
Fathers Accepting, Applying & Achieving God's Expectations (FAAAGE)
Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it (NIV)
This is a 3 step process towards a victorious posture for Fathers because, in case you didn't know, BEING A FATHER IS NOT EASY! First, you have to accept what God says about you as a father. You then have to start applying the expectations God has of you, in your parenting, with the confidence and hope that you will achieve the goal because of your obedience. This group is where fathers are supported and learn resilience in leading in the different aspects of parenting to become stable as a Godly example for their child/ren. We acknowledge our child/ren is/are a gift from God and He has a plan for their lives, just like us. In order to lead our child/ren into their purpose, despite our childhood experiences, we as fathers have to partner with God in teaching, leading and training. Some of the Transformation Conversations, exercises and tools include: staying committed to the parenting process, being present, resilience, encouragement and positive affirmations, following the example of our Heavenly Father, patience, the power of prayer, loving unconditionally, building up versus tearing down, Godly Fathering and so much more! The Transformation Conversations (TC), exercises and tools are designed to evangelize, equip, encourage and empower fathers to provide leadership, guidance and stability to their precious gift the way God intended them to!
Here is the zoom link:
Text (302) 492-6537 your name, contact number and email to get the zoom passcode
If you have any questions regarding this group, let us know.